Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ben's Outlook on Karl

Ok this YouTube video is epic! I love Ben's new outlook on Karl. Haha :) (Karl rrrrrocks!)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Thoughts about each Season of LOST

   Season 1 was great. It was adventurous and there was lots of character development. However, it was very "jungle-y". Other than the flashbacks, the whole season took place on the island. Sure they went to the cockpit and stuff, but most of the season was just navigating the island... very green!
   I enjoyed Season 2 a lot more, because there were some new and exciting settings. Season 2 is the hatch season. I really like the hatch, because so many key things happened in the hatch. The button pushing (the most important element of the hatch), the introduction to Desmond Hume, the unfolding of the Ben character, the conflict between the leader-type characters (John Locke and Jack Shephard), the weapons locker, the lockdowns, the murder of two beloved characters, among many other memorable events. Besides the hatch, the island was being explored further, and the beach was being established to make an acceptable dwelling place.
   Season 3 was very eventful. Season 3 is the hydra island season. Pretty much the whole season took place on that island, in the cages. This is also the Season of the Others. We are introduced to Juliet, and see the role of Ben in the barracks. The foundation for the relationship between Jack and Juliet was also established in this season.
   Season 4, in my opinion, is where the tables started turning in the relatively safe and peaceful plot of LOST. This season brought in many a new twist to the story. Mr. Whidmore becomes introduced as a potential threat to the survivors of Oceanic flight 815. The crew on the Kahana are also not the most trustworthy. As the season develops, however, we learn to trust the amazing characters of Frank Lapidus, Daniel Faraday, Charlotte 'Staples Lewis', and Miles Straume (my favourite among them being Miles, as I can connect with him wonderfully... I'm always quite sarcastic!). This is the season that starts the whole time travel fiasco.
   Season 5 was brilliant. I loved the change of scenery, as a lot of it took place in the city with the Oceanic Six. Also, we were able to get some insight into the DHARMA Initiative. (Fun Fact: DHARMA stands for 'Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications') I thought it was so cool to be able to go back in time and have characters like Sawyer and Juliet and Jin actually be part of the initiative. We are also introduced to Jacob and the Man in Black in the season finale. I thought the finale was incredible for this season.
   I thought Season 6 was lacking. The whole way along, I figured J.J. Abrams and the crew were just trying to find out how they could scrounge up another season; but, being a LOST fan, I enjoyed it all the same. Season 6 was pretty much the Jacob season. It was all about his history, his involvement with the Man in Black, how Richard came about, and the black smoke. We learn about the "candidates" and why everyone was brought to the Island. I thought it was a bit weak how the whole season had been building up to the point when the candidate would be chosen, and then it sort of became an anticlimax we learn that the candidate just has to say, "I'll do it!" And then they're chosen. Jack volunteered and then ta da! the island has a new master. Only a few 'island hours' after Jack became the new Jacob, Hurley magically becomes the new guy in charge. It seemed as though they were playing 'musical leaders' with the Jacob-job. On the other hand, I thought there was great character development with the Ben Linus character. It was nice to see the inner struggles he battled with in his journey to be accepted as he is. The series finale, the last episode ever of LOST, was hard to grasp. I don't quite understand why everyone has to be dead in the end. My question is, "Why couldn't the sideways flashes have been reality, and everyone lives happily ever after?" I guess J.J. Abrams is not really a man of happy endings, rather mysterious, sci-fi-style endings. Oh well. The series is through and it was all completely amazing.
   >: 4 8 15 16 23 42 ;)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My LOST Photo Edits

I have a crazy sense of humour. I love working with computers and editing photos and creating images in Photoshop. So, I took some scenes of LOST and made some funny images out of them. Here they are!

Ben is hooked on LOST.

Jacob can do a lot. But this? Hurley was astounded.

I know it's far fetched. But hey, Barney could be a valid candidate, you know.

Jack's must've found this suit in the medical station, in the locker next to Mr. Friendly's beard.

John Locke found the Island's fast food outlet.

Kate found "The Settlers of Catan" in the hatch.

Ben finally found his "calling".

I guess this is where women end up (rather than Tunisia) when they time travel.

Some cute little bunnies are trying to make John feel better. I think John is just cringing.

I'm not sure where Sawyer found it, but this is by far the best addition to his house yet.

I know some of them are kind of lame and not even very funny, but I thought I'd share anyways!

My LOST Collection

   I am only one of the millions of people in the world who love LOST, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan! I have made many a contribution to the LOST fandom. I had seasons 1-5 in the DVD box sets. But when I finally came around to buying the sixth season, I decided I didn't want just the sixth season. I wanted the collector's edition box set of the entire series. So, I listed my seasons on Craig'slist (for dirt cheap, too) and put the money towards the box set. After a while of surfing eBay for a brand new box set for a cheap enough price, I placed the bid and sniped it at the last second. Once I received it I was thrilled by chance to open Jacob's ankh for a coded message, search the set for a hidden disc, and learn to play the senet board game. Once I watched season 6, I realized, much to my chagrin, that it didn't explain how to play the board game. Not only that, it seemed as though Jacob and the man in black didn't even know how to play! Then I decided I should get the DHARMA Initiative Orientation Kit from eBay. So I went on a hunt again and purchased my kit. Upon receipt, I saw a sticker on the packaging saying something like, "May include exclusive DHARMA Sub Patch. Only in select boxes." I had a good feeling about it and thought that my box would be lucky one. Sure enough, in the envelope with the DHARMA patches, I had the exclusive sub patch! I was so happy. Inside the binder for the Orientation kit, there is a sealed, confidential letter signed by Jim LaFleur, Jin Kwon, and someone else... I forget who. I decided I wouldn't open it. I would keep it closed and never find out what's in it. Probably one day I'll open it though!
   Ok, so some other things to add to my list of LOST related accomplishments: Last Halloween I dressed up as Kate. I bought a DHARMA jumpsuit off eBay and brought it into a custom embroidery shop and got them to sew "Kate Motorpool" on it in exactly the same way they do it on the original jumpsuits. Then I bought a curly brown wig. And, not to settle with less than the complete costume, I found a picture of Kate online, and opened it in photoshop. I cut everything out of the picture but her face, and sized the face just right so it would fit over my face. After many trials and a lot of wasted printer ink, I had a perfect mask with Kate's face, with holes poked in the pupils of the eyes so I could see. It looked so amazing. I tried the whole costume on and my family freaked because it looked so much like her. I was so proud of it! So I wore that for Halloween, and although not very many people really knew who the heck I was trying to dress up as, I felt satisfied knowing that I managed to accomplish such a close 'clone' of Katherine Anne Austen.
   I also made a mini DHARMA van completely out of paper products (minus the glue and plastic straw axles), and it looked very amazing. I painted it bright blue on the sides and white on the top. I searched online for a picture of a DHARMA van, and in photoshop, I cut out the lights, doorhandles, and other fixtures for decals. I printed them out and glued them to my van. It was amazing.
   One thing I think is totally awesome, is that I live in Abbotsford, BC, which is the exact same town that Evangeline Lilly went to school in. She attended W.J. Mouat Secondary School, which is only a short walk away from my house. In fact, I attended summer school there, and during one of my breaks, I searched the walls for her grad class plaque. I was thrilled when I found her year. And there she was! Her grad photo was there on the wall, with the name "Nicole Lilly" typed underneath. I had to take a picture of it. Also, my sister goes to another school here in Abbotsford, and guess who one of her teachers is? Evangeline's dad, "Mr. Lilly"! So, I am sort of immersed in the land of LOST, which adds to the personal connection I have with the show!

Why I Like LOST

   So here is my first post on my new LOST blog. I will try to post regularly but I'm not very good with my consistency in posting. Anyways, I will start with explaining why I like LOST. The show is very intriguing, for one, and for another, it's mysterious and it gets my mind working. I sincerely enjoy trying to figure things out, and LOST is one of the best show for getting the brain working. Every episode brings a new bit of information to fit into the puzzle; however, everything is so obscure and encoded that it allows the brain to go wild with theories and ideas. When I first started watching LOST, I was overwhelmed with how many characters there were. I was like, "How am I ever going to remember all these people's names?" Ha! That was the least of my troubles! What's the thing pulling trees up in the jungle? What's on this island that's so amazing? Will they be rescued? Who's good? Who's bad? There were so many questions. As I continued to watch, I became a devoted LOST fan. I didn't watch it on TV, though, I watched it on the DVD sets that came out every year. That was the hardest part. I would buy the DVD set in December when the season was through, then watch the whole thing in about a week. Then I would have to wait a whole year until the next season came out. Alas, I watched the final season and put the waiting to rest. Now I have watched every single episode, and the episodes in season 1-5 two times over. I am such a big fan, and I wish that LOST wasn't over. I don't watch TV, so I guess I'm a bit biased in my opinion towards it, but I'd say it's the best show ever! J.J. Abrams' Fringe is next in line.