Monday, June 11, 2012

LOST Theme Party

  For a year now, I've been considering throwing a LOST party... I haven't gotten around to planning it, though. I think if I were to have one, it would be on September 22, as that's the day the Losties crashed; then at least it would have a meaningful date! I would have to compile a bunch of classic 70s music, and of course play Geronimo Jackson's "Dharma Lady" that I got on a CD with my DHARMA orientation kit, a dozen times! I would wear my Kate costume and greet everyone with a "Namaste" and put a lei around their neck. Then for food... I'd make a bunch of DHARMA labels and plaster them on pop bottles and other foods. There would be prizes for the best LOST character costume, and for whatever else seems pertinent. It would be so much fun!